Martineau Visit on Sunday 13th April
A beautiful sunny day and lots of time to spend but I didn’t feel as if I managed to ‘get in the zone’ as in previous visits. Felt a little deflated on the journey home wondering if any of the images would be good and beginning to doubt whether I could sustain a reasonable quality of output in the next few months. I managed to suppress further negative thoughts and reserved opinion until I’d seen the pictures. It’s a dangerous cycle I’ve found in the past, when doubt creeps in and you start to take it seriously – best to avoid the doubt and wait until the negative feelings have passed. They are rarely a real reflection of the truth.
Looking at the images I can see where I’ve been unfocussedĀ but there are a couple of images which are amongst the best I’ve done so far. Some of the others I see as transitional, where the idea behind them needs more development. (is this another way of saying they’re crap?). Maybe.