
Burlish Top sunrise

Another photograph from the visit last week, finally had some time to work on them this afternoon. Taken at Burlish Top near Stourport-on-Severn in the early hours of the morning. One from a new project which I’ll add to the Website soon – 3 exposures using Photomatix.


Burlish Top

Fantastic morning at Burlish Top near Stourport-on-Severn this morning. Saw a Greater Spotted Woodpecker as I got out of the car and then heard about 3 tapping as I took a walk around. I decided to go a different route. Instead of taking photos of the sunrise I went to the far end of the reserve and then walked towards the sun. This gave me the opportunity to see a slightly different angle than usual.


Horizon – new gallery

After  messing something up on the Website earlier and getting some wonderful support from 1&1 I have finally managed to add another gallery – Horizon.

This set of images represents some of the main interests photographing in Norfolk over the last few years.

Update on Galleries

I have finally updated the existing galleries in the new format this morning. 2 more projects to add to the Website which I will hopefully do over the next few days.

Martineau Gardens in November

I have just been looking at recent images and have realised that it’s 5 weeks since I last visited Martineau. Commitments seem to be piling up outside of work time and its sometimes difficult to achieve a balance. I am soon going to post 2 new areas on the Website: ‘Horizon’ which is a culmination of an exploration of landscape in Norfolk; and one which is going to be called ‘Midlands’. This is a new project which hopefully will develop some of the themes within my landscape work in the Midlands a bit further. I’m not sure the name will stay in the long term as it is early days for the project but am pleased with some of the images I have made so far.

I must get back to photographing at Martineau this month, the sands are getting thinner by the day!



Picked wild mushrooms, gathered wild apples and finally managed to get the shot I’ve been waiting all week to have the opportunity to take. Who says men can’t multitask!


Alternative Christmas Tree

I love this time of year. The landscape is changing on a daily basis, weather is unpredictable and the light is amazing. I went out with the family to see if there were any mushrooms to forage – still nothing yet! Maybe we’re looking in the wrong places, although these are well trod areas. I took my camera as it was foggy outside. I always go out to photograph in fog and also frost, even if I have to force myself out of the front door. The mixture of the dew and the early morning light were bringing out the spider webs. It is unbelievable how many spiders there are per square area and maybe more so that we don’t notice except on days like this. I’ve captured a few images of the webs but this tree is one of my favourites and reminds me of the festive season to come. Spider webs also remind me of the Victorian era for some reason that I don’t understand as yet.


Martineau Gardens 5th October

At last I feel as if I’m re-connecting with Martineau Gardens and pushing my project forwards. I had an intense session earlier, although I’m finding it difficult to understand how a meditative period can be intense at the same time. Going through the photos will take a few days but a couple of images in particular stand out for me so far. Here’s one of them:
